HomeEntrepreneurship7 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs That You Need to...

7 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs That You Need to Adopt

Entrepreneurial success does not happen by chance. It takes careful planning, strategic goal-setting, and cultivating habits that set you up for growth and prosperity. By studying the routines of highly effective entrepreneurs, we can extract key lessons that can guide our own path to success.

In this article, we will dive into the 7 most common habits that allow entrepreneurs to build thriving businesses. Mastering these 7 habits can help pave your way to the top!


Being an entrepreneur is no easy feat. It requires long hours, bold risks, and dealing with uncertainty. However, the rewards of building a successful business make it all worthwhile. Entrepreneurs get to turn their ideas and visions into reality while attaining financial freedom and flexibility in their lives.

To reach such heights of success though, one must be strategic in forming habits that facilitate scalability and sustainment. According to billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban, “To succeed you have to work hard, dedicate yourself 100% to success, set goals and have personal discipline.” By studying the routines of prolific entrepreneurs, we can extract lessons to integrate into our own lives.

The key objective of this article is to provide insight into the signature habits that allow entrepreneurs to:

  • Scale their business ventures
  • Attain financial freedom
  • Maintain productivity, creativity, and wellbeing

Let’s get started!

Habit 1: Early Risers Win the Day

The first key habit is centered around maximizing each day through early rising. Waking up early allows entrepreneurs to get a head start on work before the interruptions of the day roll in. Studies show 90% of executives wake up before 6 AM to have sufficient time for exercise, strategic planning, and goal-setting before the workday begins.

Legendary entrepreneurs like Apple’s Tim Cook, Disney’s Bob Iger, and AOL’s Tim Armstrong start working as early as 4:30 AM! Early rising allows them to get ahead on communication and helps avoid distractions.

Here are some key benefits to waking up early:

  • Improved focus: Morning hours often allow for deeper work and concentration before fatigue starts setting in. The quiet morning hours provide the perfect environment for strategizing and planning the rest of your day.
  • Increased productivity: Having extra morning hours allows entrepreneurs to get more done in less time. Essential tasks like handling finances, employee management, sales outreach can be completed without cutting into the rest of your busy schedule.
  • Better time management: Having extra time gives entrepreneurs a chance to schedule their days more effectively without the anxiety of running from one meeting to another.

To become an early riser, try gradually shifting your sleep schedule 15-30 minutes earlier each night. Additionally, develop a consistent pre-bed routine and limit blue light exposure at least 1 hour before bedtime. Investing the effort now to wake up early can pay invaluable dividends for your business in the future!

Habit 2: They Set and Prioritize Goals

All successful entrepreneurs swear by the power of setting clear goals to realize their visions. Goals provide essential direction and benchmark metrics to gauge your progress. They help maintain focus by funneling your efforts and resources towards your priorities.

Here is an overview of the signature goal-setting practices used by prolific business leaders:

Entrepreneur Goal-setting Strategy
Jeff Bezos Starts each year by writing a 6-page narrative detailing his overarching aspirations
Bill Gates Breaks down massive goals into smaller milestones that can be accomplished each week
Sara Blakely Uses visualization techniques to strengthen her belief in achieving set targets

As the co-founder and CEO of Nike Phil Knight put it, “The key to achieving your goals is to focus your conscious mind on your goal and make sure your subconscious mind accepts your goal as an established fact.” Setting clearly defined goals and ingraining them is key for any entrepreneur.

When it comes to goals, quality trumps quantity. Set well-defined short and long-term goals instead of having a laundry list of tasks. Break down massive goals into bite-sized objectives that you can tackle daily and weekly.

Most importantly, frequently review and update your goals. Entrepreneurship requires one to dynamically adapt based on changing market needs and emerging opportunities. Re-evaluating whether your goals align with your vision is imperative.

Habit 3: Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Modern business practices evolve swiftly. What may be considered a winning strategy today might become obsolete in a span of months. To sustain themselves at the leading edge of innovation, successful entrepreneurs make continuous learning and adaptation intrinsic habits.

A 2021 study by the University of Cambridge stated that “high-growth entrepreneurs participate in training at a rate 20–25% higher than typical SME owners.” Their relentless pursuit of knowledge helps them spot emerging trends before others.

From coding to marketing analytics – highly effective entrepreneurs proactively upskill themselves across domains. Besides staying updated, learning new areas also sparks creative connections that can unlock groundbreaking solutions.

Here are some powerful learning techniques leveraged by elite founders:

  • Online courses and certifications: From Udemy to MasterClass, e-learning has been wholeheartedly embraced. These platforms provide highly targeted and flexible courses to level up one’s expertise. For example, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky attributes his foundational design skills to taking classes on Coursera.
  • Immersive reads: Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Bill Gates voraciously read books and articles to gather new technical knowledge along with absorbing effective leadership principles. Musk is said to read over 2 hours each day!
  • Peer learning networks: Tapping into collectives like YPO (Young Presidents Organization) allows access to 1:1 mentorship opportunities with industry veterans. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg is said to have greatly benefited from guidance by her mentors.

Rather than being a one-off effort, effective entrepreneurs dedicate consistent time towards structured learning. Block off time weekly to invest in your expertise – the dividends will be invaluable!

Habit 4: They Network Effectively

Beyond goals and skills, the right connections can be the defining factor between success and shutdown. That’s why high-achieving entrepreneurs dedicate significant effort towards building and nurturing relationships.

Cold outreach, warm introductions, personalized assistance – networking opens doors wider than you may have ever imagined. But there is fine art to getting it right.

Here are 4 principles that guide winning entrepreneurs as they establish game changing connections:

1. Prioritize in-person interactions: Though social platforms present wider access, most breakthrough collaborations germinate through in-person interactions at events, dinners or meetups. The human touch still matters when forming fruitful relationships.

2. Spend time nurturing connections: Checking in periodically and sharing valuable resources can transform superficial ties into trusted confidants. The aim is to build real reciprocal value.

3. Master win-win thinking: Approach interactions seeking synergies and explore opportunities to provide mutual benefit. This breeds allies rather than competitors.

4. Don’t hesitate to ask for favors: The true test of great connections is when you can openly ask for and offer assistance. But ensure you reciprocate!

When used strategically, a solid network can fast track entrepreneurial success by opening up mentorship, partnership and investment arrangements.

Set aside dedicated time weekly to expand your network. Attend local startup events, schedule exploratory coffee chats or reach out to key industry players. Building genuine connections at a sustained pace works magic!

Habit 5: Focus on Customer Satisfaction

The core of any business lies in creating raving fans – customers who enthusiastically promote you through referrals and repeat purchases. Without delighted customers, even the most brilliant product vision or strategy falls apart.

Customer obsession is what fuels today’s most prolific companies. According to investigate research by HBR, brands with above-average customer experience bring in 5.7 times more revenue than their competitors.

The likes of Amazon CEO Andy Jessy so deeply embed customers within company culture that meetings start off discussing improving customer satisfaction before anything else.

Here are 3 key strategies for boosting customer satisfaction:

1. Instantly resolve emerging pain points: Highly successful entrepreneurs have their ears glued to the ground to detect grievances. They spot trending complaints on social media, frustrations raised through support calls to immediately diffuse them before it’s too late.

2. Invest in predictive analytics: Understanding subtle shifts in customer behavior allows entrepreneurs to foresee issues and adapt promptly. Tools like Mixpanel, Amplitude, and Heap Analytics produce actionable insights to enhance and personalize experiences.

3. Continuously engage users: Checking in with customers via surveys and feedback channels fosters transparency. Virtual user groups and in-person focus groups help entrepreneurs connect with users to guide innovations.

Obsessing over each touchpoint to curate smile-inducing experiences generates immense brand loyalty. While seeking scale, staying grounded to user truths is the ultimate balancing act.

Habit 6: Financial Management Skills

Deft financial skills separate thriving ventures from failing ones. Though entrepreneurs start out with passion and zeal, lack of fiscal planning and control can swiftly sink promising businesses.

Elite founders deeply educate themselves in financial literacy early on. They integrate fail proof mechanisms spanning budget tracking, cash flow optimization and contingency planning well before rapid scaling.

Here’s an overview of signature budgeting and monetary decision making utilized by well-known business tycoons:

Entrepreneur Budgeting Practices
Sara Blakely (Founder of Spanx) Uses key ratio analysis metrics to gauge financial health & growth
Mark Cuban Stringently tracks feared “runaway expenses” to maintain optimal capital allocation
Jeff Bezos Makes financial decisions based on long-term impacts rather than short-term gains

Financial mastery is one of the most underappreciated skills entrepreneurs must embrace on their journey to success. Making financially savvy moves at the right phase makes all the difference.

Besides self-education through online resources, entrepreneurs actively engage financial controllers and advisors early on. Having checks and balances ensures you can spot any brewing issues well in advance.

Continuous assessment of financial KPIs aligned with your long-term vision provides the balancing mechanism entrepreneurs need to confidently scale.

Habit 7: They Take Care of Their Health

Last but certainly not the least, health habits set thriving entrepreneurs apart. Hustling hard through the early phases of entrepreneurship can take an immense toll physically and mentally.

Without nurturing fitness, stress management and positive wellbeing practices, entrepreneurs tend to hit walls quicker. Per research compiled by the Handelsblatt Research Institute, over 50% of entrepreneurs fail due to stress-related health issues.

The most prolific innovators heavily invest in self-care despite their jam-packed schedules. Here’s a sneak peek into the routines that fuel them:

  • Jeff Bezos – Sleeps 8 hours each night and starts mornings with a healthy breakfast
  • Arianna Huffington – Practices breathing exercises and meditation before bed
  • Sergey Brin – Committed to swimming regularly to recharge and destress

Finding pockets of respite through simple habits protects against emotional, mental and physical drained. It enhances cognitive capacities that spark creative connections. Though hustling hard is wired into every entrepreneur’s DNA, balancing it out with nourishment makes all the difference.

Even tiny habits like taking 5-minute breaks hourly, Limiting caffeine intake or sleeping 30 minutes earlier accumulates to boost longevity. Make self-care the guiding anchor to thrive for the long haul.


If we carefully analyze the routines of highly prosperous entrepreneurs, clear commonalities around specific habits emerge. Early waking, strategic goal setting, learning orientation, networking, customer centricity, financial aptitude and self-care collectively prime entrepreneurs for greatness.

Mastering these 7 habits lays the definitive foundation upon which massively scalable and sustainable ventures can be built. As Instagram founder Kevin Systrom perfectly summarizes – “Build as if you’re going to be around for decades, and optimize like you’re going to sell the company next year.”

Challenges and setbacks should be expected as part of the rollercoaster entrepreneurial journey. However, integrated well, these 7 habits equip you to power through obstacles and ascend to new heights.

The time is now. Commit to leveling up daily through tiny wins that accumulate to remarkable results. Be resolute in your vision but stay flexible in your approach​. With consistency and passion, your entrepreneurial greatness awaits!

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