HomeMake MoneyHow to Make a Money Lei with Kukui Nuts

How to Make a Money Lei with Kukui Nuts

Leis made with kukui nuts are not only beautiful but also carry a special significance. Traditionally, leis are given as gifts to show love, respect, and appreciation. Making a money lei with kukui nuts adds an extra element by incorporating currency into the design. This unique twist not only gives the lei a practical purpose but also makes it a creative and memorable gift.

In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of making a money lei with kukui nuts, allowing you to create a personalized and meaningful gift.

Materials Needed

Before we dive into the instructions, let’s gather all the necessary materials:

  • Kukui nuts (enough to cover the desired length of the lei)
  • Currency bills (in denominations of your choice)
  • String or ribbon (preferably in a color that complements the kukui nuts)
  • Scissors
  • A hook or safety pin

Step 1: Preparing the Kukui Nuts

The first step in making a money lei with kukui nuts is preparing the nuts themselves. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Collect a sufficient number of kukui nuts, ensuring they are clean and free from any dirt or residue.
  2. If the kukui nuts still have their outer shells, gently remove them using a small knife or your fingernails. Be careful not to damage the nut inside.
  3. Once the outer shells are removed, inspect the kukui nuts for any remaining debris and clean them thoroughly. A mild soap and water solution can be used if necessary.

Step 2: Folding the Currency Bills

To incorporate money into the lei, you will need to fold the currency bills into specific shapes. Follow these instructions to create folded bills that can be attached to the kukui nuts:

  1. Choose the denomination of currency you wish to use and ensure you have enough bills to match the number of kukui nuts.
  2. Lay the currency bill flat on a clean surface.
  3. Fold the bill in half diagonally, forming a triangle shape.
  4. Fold the bottom left corner of the triangle up towards the top point, creating a smaller triangle.
  5. Repeat the previous step with the bottom right corner, folding it up towards the top point.
  6. Fold the resulting triangle in half horizontally, ensuring the folded corners are sealed within the fold.
  7. Repeat these steps for each currency bill.

Step 3: Stringing the Kukui Nuts and Currency

Now that you have prepared the kukui nuts and folded currency bills, it’s time to string them together to form the money lei. Follow these instructions:

  1. Cut a length of string or ribbon, making it long enough to hold all the kukui nuts and folded bills.
  2. Tie a knot at one end of the string, creating a secure base for the lei.
  3. Thread the first kukui nut onto the string, positioning it adjacent to the tied knot.
  4. Add a folded currency bill onto the string, ensuring it sits neatly beside the kukui nut.
  5. Continue alternating between kukui nuts and folded currency bills until you reach the desired length for your lei.
  6. Once all the kukui nuts and folded bills are strung, tie a knot at the other end of the string to secure them in place.

Step 4: Adding Finishing Touches

With the main structure of the money lei complete, you can now add some finishing touches to enhance its appearance and durability. Here are some additional steps you can take:

  1. Trim any excess string or ribbon, leaving a small tail at both ends of the lei for a polished look.
  2. To prevent the nuts from sliding or shifting, tie a small knot between each kukui nut, holding it in place along the length of the lei.
  3. If desired, you can further customize the lei by attaching decorative beads, charms, or other embellishments between the kukui nuts and folded bills.
  4. Once you are satisfied with the lei’s appearance, hang it on a hook or pin it to a secure surface to allow it to flatten and set overnight.


Congratulations! You have successfully created a money lei with kukui nuts. This unique and personalized gift not only showcases your creativity but also carries the symbolic value of a traditional lei. Whether it’s for graduations, weddings, or any other special occasion, remember that the thought and effort put into creating this lei make it a meaningful token of your affection. Enjoy gifting your money lei and witnessing the joy it brings to others!


Can I use different types of nuts instead of kukui nuts?

Yes, you can experiment with various types of nuts to create different styles and looks for your lei.

Which currency denominations work best for the folded bills?

It depends on personal preference. You can mix different denominations or stick to a specific one.

Can I add other elements besides folded currency bills?

Absolutely! Feel free to incorporate other items like small flowers, ribbons, or charms to personalize your lei even more.

How long does it take to make a money lei with kukui nuts?

The time required depends on your familiarity with the process and the complexity of your design. It can vary from a few hours to several days.

Can I reuse the kukui nuts and folded bills for another project?

Yes, you can carefully remove the kukui nuts and unfolded bills from the lei and reuse them for future creations. Ensure they are stored properly to prevent damage.

Olga Bowden
Olga Bowdenhttps://business2consumer.net/
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